The optimal offer to your website’s accessibility needs & compliance is a click away!

Who are we?

UA is a pioneer of developing and implementing accessibility tools and services on the internet. The company provides website owners with solutions for meeting legal and regulatory accessibility standards while providing people with disabilities the opportunity to strengthen their independence and personal confidence through deeper and more meaningful interaction with the digital domain. In doing so, UA promotes equal rights for underprivileged people while upholding the business interest and legal obligations of its clients. In addition, the company’s products contribute to improved SEO, technological stability, and cost saving in the marketing and operation expenses over time. The company has existed since 2016 and is considered one of the leading companies in Israel in the field of digital accessibility.

דניאל ריבקין

Daniel Drabkin, CEO

Daniel oversees the company's client relations and business development. With an academic background in law and philosophy, experience in the executive level of the high-tech industry and great sensitivity to the interfaces of technological innovation and well-being and/or human rights, he works to spread UA's integrated approach of developing premium accessibility products, securing fair and accessible pricing, and providing customer-service that redefines availability and courtesy altogether, throughout the World Wide Web.

טוביה שיינפלד

Toovya Sheinfeld, Founder & CTO

Toovya is one of the pioneers of the Israeli Website Accessibility industry, which is a global pioneer in that field, and he founded UA already in 2016. A programing prodigy with first-hand experience, through his sister, of the enormous positive impact the ability to use the internet has on people with disabilities, Toovya dedicated himself to Website Accessibility from early on and made it into his natural habitat. Toovya is known for his systemic approach to accessibility as part of the overall user experience. His wide expertise and uncompromising commitment to Website Accessibility place UA’s technological platform at the cutting edge of the industry for the benefit of everyone in need of accessibility aids in the virtual domain.

Our Vision
The end-user and the client as complementary parameters

Our vision is to promote and develop technologies that will provide people with disabilities as well as elderly people the independence and freedom to browse the Internet and benefit from digital services and applications without barriers or the need for external assistance. Moreover, we had embarked upon the mission of not only removing the barriers separating the internet from those who had been born with, or acquired along their lives, a disability, but of allowing small and medium-sized businesses and service providers first-rate accessibility services that are at the same time financially feasible and affordable. Given the latest technological tools and components for web and application development, as well as our own advanced development platform, there is no reason for the pricing of accessibility services to reach the same orders of magnitude that the very development of the website costs, and we are here to prove it.

Be aligned with the legal and regulatory requirements and secure protection from legal claims

We are well acquainted with the provisions of the law on digital accessibility and the accessibility standards it stipulates.

Our professionals took part, as consultants and observers, in the process of drafting the legislation in the field of digital accessibility, and we were among the first to implement these standards in practice.

We know what compliance with the relevant provisions of the law requires, and our products are adapted thereto without redundant ancillaries.

And finally, we specialize in confronting and contesting claims that arise on accessibility issues, in rejecting idle claims and in diagnosing indispensable corrections and adjustments in specific cases.

UA's professional anchor

The professional backbone of  User Accessibility is Toovya Sheinfeld, the company’s CTO and head of development and innovation. Toovya began his journey in the world of accessibility on the internet in 2012, following his desire to help his sister, who is a person with a disability. Henceforth, the world of digital accessibility has never been a mere professional or business interest for Toovya, but a true crusade, which he pursues ever since.

Beside his technical expertise in web accessibility, Toovya took an active part in the legislative changes in this field, cooperating to that end with the Commission for Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities in the Ministry of Justice, the Internet Association, Access Israel (NPO) and the Israeli Standards Institute. In addition, Toovya served as an active observer for I.S 5568 at the Standards Institute, and he regularly advises various institutional and commercial entities and frequently lectures on digital accessibility in Israel and abroad.

Let’s talk!

You have questions? Need to consult about website accessibility?
Fill in the details below and we will reach out without delay!

לוגו אתר תפריט